Networking Event Beaumont TX – Beaumont Rotowing Academy July 20th

Networking Mixer Beaumont TX, BBB Southeast Texas, BBB Mixer Beaumont TX, BBB Beaumont TX, business networking Southeast Texas, SETX business networking, networking Golden Triangle TX, business development Beaumont TX, business development Southeast Texas, SETX business development

Categories :

Beaumont Business Networking Event July 20thBeaumont Rotowing Academy & The BBB of Southeast Texas

BBB Southeast Texas, BBB SETX, BBB Golden Triangle TX, BBB Beaumont TX, networking event Beaumont TX, networking event Southeast Texas, networking Golden Triangle TXSoutheast Texas networking events can help you grow your business.

A networking breakfast can be a great way to jumpstart your day.

Join the Better Business Bureau of Southeast Texas:

  • Beaumont Municipal AirportBeaumont WingsBeaumont Rotowing Academy
  • 455 Keith Road
  • Thursday, July 20th
  • 7:30 AM
  • FREE Beaumont Networking Event

BBB Beaumont TX, BBB Southeast Texas, BBB SETX, BBB Golden Triangle TX,

Are you looking for ways to grow your business?

Schedule a free consultation to talk with us about Southeast Texas advertising designed to reach your EXACT target demographic – and to stay within your marketing budget.

  • Daryl Fant. SETX Advertising
  • (512) 567-8068

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Quick Southeast Texas Networking Tips:

  1. Savvy SETX networkers don’t go to an event to sell (because no one goes to buy!).
  2. Savvy SETX networkers do go to an event to start and build relationships.
  3. Ask for a business card if you’d like to follow up with someone. Don’t give your business card to someone if they do not ask for it. Some people may want to meet you 2-3 times before they want your card or literature.
  4. The networking event is just the beginning – follow up by inviting people you are interested in for coffee or lunch.

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Southeast Texas networking events can be an important marketing tool.

Find them right here – on

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